Photo Fridays: SnapShot Writing



Today's Writer activity is a little more challenging! This is a task that we've used as a game of sorts between us. We often would prompt each other with photos, names, and ideas to challenge each other to write short scenes or snippets. Today's challenge is one that will require you to channel your writing into a signal moment in what we like to call SnapShot Writing. Also, be sure to check out more about the history of Valentine's Day on the History website. 


The rules are simple. We will share a link to a work of art and then very quickly you will write a scene of a snapshot moment inspired by the artwork. The link we are sharing is to promote wonderful artwork and is to just aid as inspiration for your writing. We don't in any way claim rights to the work. 

Check out Love in the Middle of War and challenge yourself to write one quick scene that is based upon the artwork. If you would like, feel free to share the scene with us. If not, we hope this will help you with your writing skills or even something you are working on.

Happy writing! 


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