Trivia Tuesdays: Quoting Saint Valentine


We have another fun day here at the Writer's Shelf! This will be quick and easy! We promise! If you're anything like us here at Writer's Shelf, you love good trivia facts. So we are happy to introduce our newest addition to our shelf. Trivia Tuesdays. Every Tuesday we will share a fun fact and then create a fun prompt for you to do! 

"Saint Valentine who according to some sources is actually two distinct historical characters who were to have healed a child while imprisoned and then decapitated." 

The fact does NOT belong to us and the rights are strictly from an article on the history of Valentine's Day which was previously talked about in our previous Writer's Shelf post "Weekly Prompts." More can be read at the History website

The guidelines are very simple. All you do is take this fact and: 

Write a story inspired by the fact. This can be any genre and any length. You could even write a poem or haiku if you are so moved to do so. 

Happy writing!


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