Writer's Wednesday: Creating A Character



We have another exciting day here on our Writer's Shelf! Yesterday, we took a fact. Today, we are doing something a little different for Writer's Wednesday. We are going to give an exercise that will allow you to create a character that is entirely unique to you. Yes, we've kept with the Valentine's Day theme. The task at hand is simple. We will give you a character and some questions to think about when creating your own version of said character. 

Given that Valentine's Day is for Saint Valentine and Cupid is basically the mascot of the day. So for this exercise, we want you to create your own Cupid. This can be a Cupid that works IT at a company and helps all his/her co-workers find love. Or even a darker Cupid that is bitter and angry at love, perhaps even taking this out on others while trying to fight crime. Sky's the limit! 

When creating your character, think about if your Cupid has a job, does your Cupid use a bow and arrow, what does your Cupid do for fun? Maybe your Cupid has traded his bow and arrow for a stick to hit people with because he watched The Lion King too many times. Have fun with it and see what sort of creation you can come up with. This could be a one-off or it could be a wonderful short story or even the base for a new novel.

Happy Writing! 


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