Weekly Prompts: Time Travel



This week we have decided to embark on heights of great travel for our theme. Travel that takes place through time. All week we will be sharing special exercises and challenges that will center in some way on time travel. 

People have different connotations of the idea of time travel with some thinking of the classic novel The Time Machine, a select few thinking of the short-lived series Timeless, and a vast majority thinking about Back to the Future. Whatever your thoughts on time travel are, this week's prompt will allow you to explore all types of time travel. For inspiration, we have found a few articles on if time travel could actually be possible. An article that explores the concept of Einstein's Time Dilation can be found on the Science Borealis website. You can check out NASA's website for an article about how we all travel through time then read about some theories on the Space website


Start the short story by having the protagonist in the future. Then by some strange happening, be it a clock that turns time forward or a machine, they go far into the future. Tell this future in fine detail and how you see the world. Has it been 100 years or just 50. Then halfway through the story send the protagonist to the far past instead of back home. It can be your favorite decade or it can go as far back as the dinosaurs. Have fun with it. 

Happy writing! 


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