Writer Wednesdays: Holiday Exercises
Another day here at the Writer's Shelf. Today is Writer Wednesday and we have an exciting new exercise for you that keeps with our theme this week. We've been exploring all things holidays this week and today is no exception as we put our heads together to come up with something original and challenging. Check out your exercise options below:
1.) 33 Flavors Day
This exercise is to help you push your imagination to new heights and help with any difficulty you may have building new worlds. Imagine you have an ice cream parlor and you're in charge of coming up with thirty-three new flavors. Your challenge is to completely make up thirty-three flavors. This doesn't mean vanilla or cherry, but something entirely off the wall like honey and cotton candy or poppy seed and caramel.
2.) If Pets Had Thumbs Day
This is an odd holiday so we thought an odd exercise was the perfect match. This exercise will have you challenged to think differently and be as weird as possible. Your exercise is to answer the question "What would it be like if your pet had thumbs?" Be weird. Be creative.
3.) World Wildlife Day
Make up a world entirely full of wildlife. Nothing but forest, plains, desert, and more with wildlife that you make up completely off the wall. A giant rabbit that eats cactus? Go for it. A miniature cross between a rhino and a giraffe? We say have fun with it.
Happy writing!
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