Monthly Prompts: Changes + Magical Fruit Prompt


We have switched from our Weekly Prompt to a Monthly Prompt format. 

April Fools!

Just kidding... We're not kidding. Though it's April Fool's Day, we are not joking around. April 1st marks our first Monthy Prompt which hope is just the beginning for our Writer's Shelf. You'll have from the first of the month to the last day of the month to complete a short story or novella. If you're feeling ambitious you can write more than one. 

We will have further exercises and writing activities which we will reveal at a later date. A few of our themed days will be Writer Wednesdays, Pantsers on Fire, Trivia Tuesdays, SnapShot Fridays, and Quote Saturdays. Our changes to Writer's Shelf come with a goal to hopefully turn our blog into a writing community where writers can have another place they can encourage, share, write, and promote. 

The rules are simple. We will post a monthly prompt on the first of every month and you have until the last day of the month to finish it. You can write a short story, novella, or even a novel if you're feeling ambitious. 

The prompt:

You wake up one day to find a magical fruit has appeared on your bedside table. What makes it magical? What does it do? Where did it come from? Begin your story this way and have fun with it! Fruit has a long history in mythology and fairy tales, especially apples who get all the credit for putting Snow White in a coma. Fruit has strong ties in mythology with ambrosia, otherwise known as food or drink of the gods that provides immortality when consumed, and the fruit in fae lands which keep humans from leaving after they consume it. Think about what magical properties your fruit has. Does it have the ability to heal when it's eaten, does it send you on a trip into Wonderland, or does it teleport you into a whole other dimension?

You can make the story humorous, send them on an epic adventure, or send them into the lands of the gods where they find a grove of fruit. The fruit can be anything from your classic apple to more bizarre like a dragonfruit to even a tomato. 

For further inspiration check out these lists and articles:

Feel free to share a link to your story in the comments or tell us how writing it went. Let us know what fruit you chose and what magical properties it has. 

Happy writing!


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