Pantser on Fire Prompts: Magical Fruit


Our Monthly Prompt is about magical fruit. We love doing prompts and exercises for writing so we decided to do something fun. This led to the creation of our Panster on Fire challenge. With our monthly prompt theme being magical fruit, we decided to theme each prompt accordingly. We had fun creating them and we hope you enjoy them as well. 

Fruit of the gods prompt ideas: 

1.) Write for an hour about someone that discovers an orchard of magical fruit. And just as they pluck a piece from a tree, they learn that the orchard is being guarded by a dangerous being. 

2.) There are several myths about the creation of fruit. Some are darker than others with origins such as severing heads to get a coconut tree. Spend the next thirty minutes and write an origin tale for a piece of fruit. The fruit is of your choosing. Have fun with it. 

3.) You have entered the realm of the fairies. You're offered a piece of fruit. At first, you refuse the offer but hunger drives you to just eating a slice. Write about the consequences of eating the fruit. Choose your own time limit. 

4.) Your main character has broken into the realm of the gods and stolen fruit off the table. Time yourself for an hour and a half. Write your character's adventure trying to evade the gods and be sure to explain why they went through the trouble of stealing the fruit.

Happy writing!


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