Fan-Fic Friday: Batwoman-Inspired Writing Prompts


One of the biggest things you'll find in any fandom is fan-fiction. The other is fan-art, but we want to take a day and just think about all the shows, books, movies, songs, and more that inspire us as fans. This week we've decided to kick off our Fan-Fic Fridays with Batwoman-inspired prompts to inspire your next short story, novella, novel, screenplay, and more. Stories have a way of creating inspiration for action whether it's striving for your own voice, making a friend over a shared interest, or finally understanding how to achieve your own voice. Finding your own voice can be hard. Batwoman has embodied this strive with season two embodying more of that feeling through the new Batwoman. 

As an introduction to what is hoped to be the first of many Fan-Fic Fridays are prompts that were inspired by the CW series. You can use these for prompts, for inspiration for a novel you're writing, or a play you're working on. Maybe you've been working on a story that has hit a roadblock and you find yourself staring at the screen with no idea what word to type next. Hopefully, these prompts will be fun to write and strive for your own voice.

1.) This week's episode and the season have woven in commentary on today's society with the BLM movement touching the storylines. Write a story that shines a light on social commentary that's important to you.

2.) Write a story about a superhero that goes by a female identity in honor of Batwoman. And give her a female villain. 

3.) Your main character has been attacked by an animal. How has this affected them? This can be an emotional contemporary tale or dawn of the were-beaver. 

4.) Your character has been attacked by a radioactive bat. Write their journey as they turn into a bat. 

Happy writing! 


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