Mayday Stories: Day 26 Memo Story


Today's prompt from storyaday is similar to the list one but focuses on telling a story through memos, updates, posts, etc. It creates the foundation for a unique format and allows for a chance to think outside of the box. Check it out here.

Never Trust the Internet About Yetis

Ten Things You Didn't Know About Yetis!

The headline popped out on her timeline with the bright, rounded font Hima automatically associated with clickbait. Reading it confirmed her initial assumption, but almost against her will, Hima clicked the link.

What does anyone really know about yetis? These mysterious creatures have been described differently with each encounter, leaving very little certainty. Relegated to mythic status for thousands of years, yetis have nevertheless become controversial lately due to a number of reports indicating they are a form of a shape-shifting beast!

"Wow," Hima says to herself. "I didn't even make it out of the introductory paragraph before they got it wrong."

Top Things You Bet You Knew Before Camping

1. Keep a lookout for Bigfoot. 

2. Keeping your trash out could attract Bigfoot to you. He likes garbage. 

3. Make sure you don't bring scented candles. The scent attracts Bigfoot.

Hima absently tosses a chip in her mouth as she read. "I wonder why garbage and scented candles both attract Bigfoot." It seems so arbitrary. There wasn't an obvious connection so Imma scrolls on.

4. Do not imitate a goat's scream. Bigfoot is a friend of all goats and will come running.

5. Singing after one in the morning isn't polite - Bigfoot needs his beauty sleep too, you know!

6. Fresh baked cookies are a great Bigfoot deterrent.

Every word felt more ridiculous than the last. 

The Best Way to Avoid a Yeti 

Make loud noises. Yetis frighten easy and will run off if they think the danger is near. Be sure to sound threatening. Immediate a lion roar or bear. You don't want a Yeti to think you're prey. Then you'll end up as the Yeti's dinner.

"Why would a lion or bear frighten a Yeti?" Hima demands. She doesn't know why she does this to herself. She knows the truth about yetis better than anyone.

Yetis vs. Bigfoot: An Analysis

"Please don't be the cousin thing," Hima begs. She clicks the link. It's the cousin thing.

Never Feed Your Pet Yeti Watermelon

It's a little-known myth that Yetis can eat everything in sight. This isn't true. In fact, watermelon is toxic to yetis and can cause them to explode. Please do not feed your yeti watermelon. Continue reading to find out why.

Hima stares at the screen. "Good God," she says. "This is madness. Maal!" She yells. Someone else needs to see this. She can't suffer alone. 


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