Mayday Stories: Day 8 Playing a Game of Souls


Check out the short scene we wrote in response to Storyaday's day 8 of Storyfest. We had fun envisioning a game for souls. 

Indra knew today would be her lucky day. She felt it in her bones. She had her cards and said an extra prayer for good fortune. "I bet you... Fred's soul." She places two of her cards onto the middle of the table.

Saiba laughs. "Fred's? Are you sure?" He was confident that he had a stronger hand than Indra did. He offers her his most meaningful grin.

"I'm sure." Indra pushes her cards forward. "I bet Fred's soul. All four years left."

"Ooh, it's getting good now." Gerta giggles. "I bet Mary Ann's soul. At least eight years of it."

Saiba considers the women. They rarely bluffed.

"I think I'll bet Kimmi's soul," Geit says. "She has another fourteen years I can gamble with."

"High roller tonight," Gerta says. "I don't think you're cards are actually that good."

"Me, neither," Saiba says. "You're reckless," he scolds.

"I will see your fourteen years and raise you Annie's soul. Ten years worth." Indra adds a card to the table.

"Indra," Saiba raises his eyebrows. "You're very confident, aren't you?" He considers the souls in his domain. "I'm adding Timothy's soul," he says. "Nine years."

"This is too rich for my blood." Gerta puts her cards down. "I fold.'

"Moment of truth," Saiba says, laying his cards down with a flourish.

"Does anyone else find it odd we're playing with other people's lives?" Geit asks. 

"Shush, Geit," Saiba says. "We're not people."

"And I'm on a winning streak, I just know it." Indra squeaks with delight when she wins the hand. "See!"

Saiba stares at Indra's cards. "You cheated," he says.

"I did not!" Indra shouts. "I would never cheat and you know it!"

"Saints," Geit sighs.

"Then how do you explain this?" Saiba taps the cards.

"I had good fortune tonight!" Indra insists.

"We aren't cheaters. None of us would. We took an oath." Gerta shuffles her cards.

"True enough," Saiba admits now that he's calming down. "Fred lives to see another day."

"Let's just keep this civilized. Plenty of souls to bet," Gerta says.

"Especially here," Geit says, stretching his arms over his head. "Oh, you know, I heard from one of the demons that we have some newcomers expected soon."

"That will make this more exciting," Indra says.

"Why are you only mentioning this now?" Saiba asks. 

"To mess us up no doubt," Gerta says. "Now are we here to chitchat or play some cards?"

"More cards!" Saiba declares.

Geit gathers the cards and prepares to deal.

"Now, let's focus on the game, shall we?" Indra challenges.


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