Pantser on Fire Prompts: Animal Worlds
This week for Pantser on Fire we are giving a few fun prompts that are inspired by our Creation Stories monthly prompt. We love mythology and we're always looking for any excuse to delve into the topic. Check out the prompts below and enjoy!
Based on Mythology:
1.) In Hindu mythology, eight male and eight female elephants hold up the world. For this prompt, take this myth as the basis for your story and use the perspective of someone that lives in this world. What do people think about living in a world held up by elephants? If you're feeling creative, you can also incorporate the perspective of one of the elephants.
2.) In Iroquois mythology, the animals that lived within the "great cloud sea" panicked when Sky Woman fell to earth so they banded together to create land. The land was placed upon the back of the turtle. Write a retelling of this myth. It can be a contemporary twist or a genre mashup. Most importantly have fun with the story.
A World Run by Animals:
3.) The world has seen quite the change thanks to covid and one of those changes can be seen in the quiet changes with everyone staying home. Articles have explored the way animals have taken to these changes such as this article in The Washington Post and this BBC article. Write a short story inspired by these articles. This can be a contemporary story, a memoir piece, or a science fiction twist where animals have taken over the world. Any genre goes.
Happy writing!
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