Writer Wednesday: Writing the Myth of Your World


All month we've focused on the idea of creation stories. We've been looking into world-building and this week we're looking at writing the mythology of your world. We decided to forgo our trivia and quote sections to focus solely on exercises that will build your world. Check out the exercises we have below to create your own mythology system. We have a couple of articles for you to check out. Go to Write for the King for an article on world-building, and then go to refiction to learn about writing mythology for fiction. 


You've done the creation myth for your world, and now we want you to create a pantheon of gods for a belief system. Be sure to incorporate what their abilities are and what they're over. You can have anything from the god of thunder to the godof corn. 

Check some examples out below:

Chinese gods

Greek gods

Roman gods

Norse gods

Happy writing!


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